Life presents us with a series of challenges that we don’t always successfully navigate. To cope with the pain, we might repress some of our ‘natural self’, we might compensate with avoidant behaviours, or we might numb ourselves. These strategies represent a contraction from our ‘natural’ or spiritual self, part of our identification as seperate from the whole of life.
These contractions tend to follow a consistent pattern, a strategy. Deep inquiry can reveal this patterning, which may sequentially repeat. This begins with the soul’s purpose at the moment of conception, patterns induced during the birth process, continuing into childhood, schooling and adolescent trauma’s, and culminating in the the maladaptive patterns of adults. Finding wholeness involves reconnecting with these lost parts of the self (hidden under core beliefs such as unworthiness or unloveableness), witnessing and allowing what occurred to us. Seeing the origin of our ‘strategies’, witnessing and allowing the hurt and choosing different experiences can allow us to connect with the ‘natural self’ inside us, our divine child.
The breath is a wonderful tool to assist in this journey. It can induce altered states of consciousness (activation) that allow a safe ‘re-experiencing’ and conscious decision making about these core beliefs. We practice active consent and believe in furthering your own autonomy and agency.